Your product fits perfectly into our concept?

You want to bring this planet back into balance like we do?

And you can identify yourself with our philosophy?

Well, go on reading...

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Become a part of a movement that will shake up the world and get it back on the right track. Do you have a product that can help us do that? Then get in touch and let's get rocking! 

Our motto is: It's not about DAMN PLASTIC, it's about DAMN PEOPLE! We're bringing all the cool Start-Ups and ideas together to help everyone make their lives more sustainable.

Caution: the craziness and individuality that define us are pretty visible - our designs and our whole branding concept – especially our online shop and our social media channels… it's not for the faint of heart and it will surely be your new source of entertainment 😉 #welovetoentertainyou #ifitaintfundontdoit

DAMN PLASTIC is more than just a display for products. We put our heart and soul into making people think over their behavior. We want every single little human being on this damn planet to know what's actually possible and what impact *your product* can have!

It's all about small, sustainable choices!


1: Supplying the hottest Damn Plastic franchising store concept.

2: We operate the sickest, plastic-free events (of course, we will include your products in our event concept, wherever it's feasible)

3: Your products on the coolest (Damn Plastic) online shop

4: Your products in hotels, restaurants, bars, and weddings (wherever it's feasible). 

5: Social media collaborations

Feel free to suggest other ideas, we're all ears! 

Get in touch and let's get started! 

Oh, and: To support and connect the whole sustainability-crazy market, we have a DAMN PLASTIC SUMMIT on our DAMN FUTURE LIST. We want to bring all the cool Start-Ups and businesses in one space to collect the coolest and best ideas so we can accelerate the transition into a plastic-free FUTURE even more. It's supposed to be a foundation that won't allow us to mess with the ecosystem of our planet ever again!

Plastic-free xoxo,

Victoria & Steph

Aka Damn Boss Babes: The Origin & The Anchor


Plasticfree XOXOs!

Your, Damn Plastic Girls

Victoria & Stephanie