
We can serve you front to back! ;) #360

De-PLASTIFY your business!

Event Support

Listen up! Celebrating, partying, having fun, etc. shouldn't be an environmental sin!
It's shocking how much trash our favorite activity ends up creating!
We can do better!
Damn Plastic: It's not about DAMN PLASTIC, it's about DAMN PEOPLE!
If we are completely honest with ourselves, the problem with parties is that you likely don't give a shit about proper waste disposal when you're drunk.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is where DAMN PLASTIC comes in. Edible plates, cups, cutlery, straws, and many other cool DAMN PLASTIC alternatives can turn a wasteful festival into a cool, green event.
We don't want to step in and tell people to stop having fun. We'd be shooting ourselves in the knee... We just want to step in and say, "Kick up your heels, enjoy the party, and don't worry about the trash! We've got it covered."
That's the DAMN PLASTIC way – Party hard, but be easy on the planet. And obviously, when Mother Earth is on board, it's gonna be a crazy party 😉
Get in touch and we can get started on de-plastifying your events.

Plastic-free xoxo,
Victoria & Steph
Aka Damn Plastic Boss Babes: The Origin & The Anchor
